
Cooperative Education Program

What is the Art & Design’s Cooperative (Co-op) Education Program?

Students who are approved to register for the Co-op will receive academic credit for participating in part or full-time work experience (paid) related to their major and professional field. The department chair, Sara Frantz, is the Art & Design Co-op faculty advisor. The chair is responsible for the approval and grading of students participating in the Co-op Program. For more information, see Cal Poly's Internship and Cooperative Education's website.

  • ART 494: Students who work part-time (18–20 hours/week) receive 6 units per quarter.
  • ART 495: Students who work full-time (35–40 hours/week) receive 12 units per quarter. 


Students must be sophomore level or above. Co-op is offered each quarter. Students will be required to register/enroll and pay fees for the Co-op course during the quarter that the internship or job takes place. Courses will be offered for credit/no credit. Credits earned in a Co-op may be used as elective credits towards graduation.


How to apply and register for the Co-op Program

  1. Student completes the Co-op Student/Employer Agreement form and has their employer sign it. The student and their supervisor should review the Co-op Program Guidelines.  
  2. Email, fax, or drop off the completed form to the department office at least one a week before the course begins.
  3. The chair will review the Agreement form and will schedule an appointment with the student to go over the details of the Co-op and to determine its validity.
  4. If approved, the department office will issue you a permission number to register for the class.

Co-op Program Assignments

Students will be responsible for keeping a journal with a weekly log of work activities and progress. The log will include goals, strategies, sketches, drafts, mock-ups, and finished work. During the 5th week of the quarter, a hard copy of your journal (in-progress) will need to be submitted. During the 10th week of the quarter, a final hard copy of your journal will be submitted along with a one-page report describing how you met the goals listed in the Co-op Student/Employer Agreement form.

During the 5th and 10th week of the quarter, the student’s employer will need to complete and submit a Co-op Student Employer Evaluation of Student Work form. Employers are encouraged to review this evaluation with the student and provide feedback on various aspects of the student’s performance. This employer recommendation will play a critical role in the determination of credit/no credit.

During the 5th and 10th week of the quarter, the student will also be required to meet with the Chair to discuss various aspects of the work assignment including work performance, activities, supervision, work environment, and health and safety.


Contact Sara Frantz:

Internship Resources

Evie Kriegbaum is the Career Counselor for the College of Liberal Arts to assist students with career counseling, resumes/cover letters, interview skills, employment strategies, company research and other pre-employment activities. To schedule an appointment with Evie, contact Cal Poly’s Career Center at: (805) 756-2501, extension 1.

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