
Faculty - Jean Wetzel

Jean Wetzel

Jean Wetzel has been a professor of Art History at Cal Poly since 1996.  She received a Ph.D. from the University of Kansas in 1991, with a specialty in Chinese painting of the Yuan and Song dynasties and a secondary specialty in European and American painting of the early modern era. Prior to coming to Cal Poly, she taught at the University of Puget Sound, the University of Kansas and worked as a graphic artist/editor for an engineering consulting firm. Her research and publications have focused on the interaction of professional and amateur artists and collectors in the Yuan dynasty, women artists of the courtesan class in the Ming dynasty, imagery of women in Buddhist art, and the work of contemporary Chinese women painters. Her current research is centered on the use of art as a healing modality (“art therapy”) in traditional Asian culture.  She is also interested in research on contemporary Chinese art, especially that of women painters.


Jean Wetzel

Associate Professor Art History
Phone: 805.756.1272
Office: 34 - 146