Ian Pines (b. 1984 in Denver, CO) received his BA in art from the University of California at Santa Cruz in 2007 and his MFA in painting from UCLA in 2010. He has exhibited his large-scale oil abstractions at numerous venues throughout Los Angeles and the Southwest including Coagula Curatorial, California State University at Long Beach, Oxnard College, the Manhattan Beach Art Center, Eastside International, Wilding Cran Gallery, Jaus Gallery, Creative ABQ, and the Santa Fe Art Institute. He currently teaches art at Cal Poly San Luis Obispo and Oxnard College.
Pines’s recent work continues in a similar vein to previous paintings of his. There are compounded expressionistic brushstrokes, a continual churning-up and reusing of the paint, and the general working and reworking of the painting surface. These oily excavations tend to juxtapose and violently merge three elements that work at varying speeds on Earth: the slow geologic element of rocks and minerals (rocky, eroded, and stratified surfaces), the animal and human element of relatively primal existence (fleshy pinks and reds), and the technological element of quick advancement (metallic surfaces, ores, and inorganic shapes). The paintings give a sense of how unique, crazy, terrible, and wonderful our current situation is. His work can be found at Ianepines.com.
Ian Pines - CV
Lecturer, Studio Art
Email: ipines@calpoly.edu
Office: 34 - 148
Website: ianepines.com/
- MFA – University of California Los Angeles, 2010
- BFA – University of California, Santa Cruz, 2007
- ART 101: Fundamentals of Drawing
- ART 104: Art and Design Foundation Studies II
- ART 201: Intermediate Drawing
- ART 209: Beginning Painting