
Sky Bergman's "Lives Well Lived" Upcoming Film Festival Screenings

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Three upcoming film festival screenings

Lives Well Lived is continuing our film festival journey. After the success of our world premiere at the Santa Barbara International Film Festival, we are happy to announce that Lives Well Lived will be screened at the following upcoming film festivals:

Maine International Film Festival, Waterville, Maine: July 14 - 23, 2017

The Legacy Film Festival on Aging in San Francisco, September 15 - 17, 2017

The Lunenburg Doc Fest, Nova Scotia, September 21 - 24, 2017

Highlights from the Santa Barbara International Film Festival

You’ll laugh, you’ll cry, you’ll feel, you’ll see life in a new light after watching ‘Lives Well Lived’ no matter what age you are. This is a timeless and special type of film that rarely comes along. A real jewel… If there’s one film you really need to watch at this year’s SBIFF, this is it! Trust me when I say, you will leave that theater inspired.

                              — OSCAR FLORES, KEYT-TV ABC 3 - KCOY CBS 12 - KKFX FOX 11

  • FOX interview with Sky Bergman to discuss her film "Lives Well Lived" film
  • Santa Barbara International Film Festival "Lives Well Lived" Filmmaker Interview with Sky Bergman

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