
Permission Number Information

Permission Number Policy:

The Art and Design Office suggests that permission numbers are requested through the Permission Number Survey (Links to an external site) All submissions should be made by students who have already enrolled on the waitlist for a course, or are attempting to get pre-requisites waived in order to enroll in a course / get on the waitlist. Permission numbers requested are not guaranteed and are issued based on a number of criteria, including but not limited to seat availability, waitlist status, expected graduation term, classroom capacity, prerequisites, advisement contracts, major/minor requirements, and the order in which requests are received.

If you are seeking enrollment in a major requirement or a high demand course, we recommend submitting the survey immediately after your first round of registration. If you do not hear back from the department before open enrollment, please feel free to follow up by emailing

Permission Number Request Survey is now OPEN for spring quarter 2025. 

When should I submit a permission request form?

  • You are a major with an up-to-date annual advisement contract who is attempting to enroll in a required course, but enrollment caps, pre-reqs*, or reserved seats are baring you from enrolling.
  • You are a minor who is attempting to enroll in a required course, but enrollment caps, pre- reqs*, or reserved seats are baring you from enrolling.
  • You are a non-major trying to receive special consideration to enroll in a GE Course.
  • You are a non-major in an affiliated program, eg. GRC, and would like to receive special consideration to enroll in a course that serves as a requirement for your program.
  • You are an ICMA student with an active contract, but enrollment caps, pre-reqs*, or reserved seats are baring you from enrolling.

*We cannot waive pre-reqs without prior instructor approval. In addition to submitting the Permission Number Survey, you must send an email request to waive pre-reqs to the instructor and cc

Do not submit this form:

  • On or after the 1st day of classes - at this point inquiries should be directed to the professor; all department level permissions have already been sent out. This form will be closed.
  • If you are requesting to join a course that does not have an ART subject code.
  • If you are thinking about switching majors or electing a minor, but have not yet initiated the process, and want special consideration for any ART course: You are welcome to join the waitlist on any open classes, no permission number will be granted to skip the waitlist. In addition, we cannot waive pre-reqs/major requirements without prior instructor approval. Please email the instructor and cc
  • If you are seeking a permission number for the Co-Op, Special Problems or Independent Study course. Additional forms/contracts are required to receive permissions to enroll in these courses. Contact for details.


Permission Number Request FAQ:


How do I use a permission number? 

In Student Center enter the class number in the "Select Class to Add" section and click "next". You can enter the permission number in the "Select Classes to Add- Enrollment Preferences" section and then click "next." If there is a related class component enter the class number for the component at the same time. In some cases, it may be easier to search for the course using the 4-digit Course ID number. Permission numbers cannot override time conflicts or the 22 unit enrollment limit. Permission numbers cannot override pre-requisites without prior permission from a faculty member. In some cases, permissions numbers issued will only grant access to the waitlist. 


After I submit the form, when will I receive permission code?

Permission code requests are carefully evaluated and are issued based on seat availability, waitlist status, expected graduation term, classroom capacity, prerequisites, advisement contracts, major/minor requirements, and the order in which requests are received. Based on these criteria, we cannot accommodate every request for a permission code. You may not receive an immediate response from this request, the majority of permission numbers will be assigned prior to open enrollment. We will continually refer to our permissions requests throughout registration and will be issuing numbers based on enrollment availability, which may change, and in some cases, you may not receive a permission number until the first day of classes. If your request is approved, you will receive an email with the permission number and instructions on how to use it, be sure to enroll immediately, we recommend using your code within 24 hrs, as some codes expire or will only work until the class is at capacity. Please plan ahead and accordingly.


I emailed a faculty member before the first week of classes and they already said I can join their class; do I still need to submit the form?

We need to maintain a record of requests received and accommodations made, please submit the form in order to receive a permission number.


I want to submit the form, but I’m not on the waitlist, what should I do?:

If there are no pre-reqs or major reserves baring your enrollment on the waitlist, your request will not be considered unless you are on the waitlist for at least one section of the course. If you are unable to get on the waitlist due to pre-reqs, see below.


I do not have the necessary pre-requisites to get on the waitlist, what should I do?:

You can send an email to the professor (CCing!) asking if the pre-requisite can be waived, if the answer is “yes”, your request will be considered and you will be issued a temporary waitlist permission number. Please submit the permission number request form anyway, as there’s a question about this very issue! Please note that unless you have indicated that you are unable to enroll due to pre-reqs, we will only be reviewing permission number requests sent by students who are also already on the WAITLIST for the course.


I received a permission code for a class I wanted, but a different section, why?

In some cases, you may be issued a permission code for an alternate section of a course you requested. If you receive a code for an alternate section, it means that there is no availability in the section you requested. You may choose to stay on the waitlist for your preferred course, but you will not be guaranteed a seat. If this is a major requirement course, you are advised to move whatever you can in order to make space for any required course section that you are given access to.


I submitted my form, but then realized I needed to make a change, what can I do?

You can submit the Permission Number Survey as many times as you need throughout the registration process in order to request consideration to receive a permission number for any number of Art and Design courses and sections. Please note that making multiple submissions of the same request is not advised unless you are submitting changed information. If you want to cancel your request, simply email to let us know your no longer need access, be sure to include the course and section if you have other requests pending that you still want to be considered for.


I submitted a request, but didn’t receive a response, should I submit the same request again?

No, it is very important that you do not submit The Permission Number Survey multiple times for the same class and section, as that will slow down our ability to process requests and will also reset your request date to the most recent submission (effectively moving your request down our list). If you are requesting a new class or different section of a class, please submit the Permission Number Survey again.


I submitted a request, but didn’t receive a permission number, what should I do?

1.) Check to make sure you successfully submitted the form.

2.) You may email to inquire about the status of your request, we will do our best to update you.

3.) If you do not receive a permission number from the department office by the first week of classes, you have the option to stay on the waitlist and show up on the first day of class to see if there are any available seats. When available, instructors may issue permission codes before the final Add/Drop deadline. Please note that this may be subject to the approval of the Art Office and the Chair.


Can I skip the form and just email the office, chair, or instructor?

Do not email the chair. You may email faculty or to request permission numbers, however it is recommended that you complete the Permission Number Survey as well. Before the 1st day of classes, faculty will not issue numbers, but they can waive pre-requisites. Our office will be reviewing each submission in the order in which they are received. 

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