"Short Cuts" Premieres at San Luis Obispo International Film Festival

Shortcuts: Short Films by Cal Poly Students at SLO International Film Festival
The Art & Design Department is excited to announce that "Short Cuts" will be screened on Thursday, April 27th at the Freemont Theater as part of the San Luis Obispo International Film Festival.
More information about the films can be found at their website, SLO Short Cuts 2023.
Short Cuts" is a collection of short films written, produced and directed by Cal Poly Students. Films are made in collaboration between students in ART 483 - Digital Video II under James Werner and ISLA 341- Cinematic Process under Randi Barros. The films are sponsored by the Cal Poly Interdisciplinary Studies in Liberal Arts, Center for Expressive Technologies, and Art & Design Departments.
Theater Screening April 27th, 2023, 6:00pm at Freemont Theater (SLO)
Tickets: slofilmfest.org/events/calpolyshortcuts/
Virtual Screenings available April 30 - May 7, 2023
Tickets: slofilmfest.org/events/calpolyshortcuts/
Program details and website:
SLO Film Fest is an annual festival in San Luis Obispo County, along with events throughout the year, provide a venue for international and local filmmakers, exposing an ever-expanding range of audiences to new ideas and experiences. To view their Full Program.