Job Postings

Art and Design students searching for a job or internship:
The department now refers all employers who want to hire art and design students to post their job opportunities on Cal Poly’s Careers Services website.
- Sign up to create your student profile. Creating a student profile within Symplicity allows Career Services to highlight and match your skills with employers who post job opportunities.
- If you need assistance, please contact Cal Poly’s Career Services at (805) 756-2501.
Employers interested in hiring art and design students:
Thank you for your interest in recruiting Cal Poly’s art and design majors and alumni. All job opportunities must be posted through Cal Poly’s Career Services website (via Symplicity, branded as MustangJobs). Every art and design student, as well as all Cal Poly students, has access to job postings specifically designed for them. The department no longer sends emails to students about job opportunities.
All jobs are required to pay at least minimum wage per US labor laws, unless it is an unpaid internship for public sector or non-profit charitable organization, where the intern volunteers without expectation of compensation. As a Bachelor of Fine Arts (BFA) program, we offer a professional undergraduate degree so our students must receive competitive compensation when they are lending their expertise and creative skills.
Option 1: Post a job (employment requiring a W-2)
- Full or part-time paid positions. These jobs can potentially earn students academic credit through the department’s Cooperative Education Program.
- To post the job position (no cost required), use the Job Posting Employer Guide to sign up for an account on Symplicity.
- Once you create an account, you can post your open job position, where you will be able to select the class years, majors, and/or job functions of your ideal candidates.
- For assistance, please contact Cal Poly’s Career Services at 805-756-2501.
Option 2: Post a local “household” job (employment not requiring a W-2)
- Examples of household jobs: yard work, painting, babysitting, etc.
- Household jobs can only be posted by individuals, not companies, that are in San Luis Obispo County.
- In order to post the position, the job must pay at least minimum wage.
- To post the job (no cost required), complete Careers Service’s Local Household Jobs form.
- For assistance, please contact Cal Poly’s Career Services at 805-756-2501.