Weekly Announcements November 1 - 7
Student Advising
Annual Advisement Appointments will continue taking place through fall quarter for all BFA students. Appointments with Major Advisor, Sara Frantz, can be made via Bookings.
Additionally, our Dept. Chair’s office hours are Mondays: 11am -12pm and Thursdays: 12 -1pm. To schedule an appointment email artdesign@calpoly.edu or reach out to Sara Frantz directly (sjfrantz@calpoly.edu). Drop-In appointments are also welcome.
The CLA also offers virtual, drop-in advising appointments daily: CLA Advising.
Upcoming Events

Strange Birds | Heidi Neilson
Opening Reception: Thursday, November 7th from 5-7pm
University Art Gallery
Show runs from November 7 - December 6
Cal Poly is pleased to present Strange Birds, a multi-faceted show by Interdisciplinary artist Heidi Neilson. The show is open from Nov. 7 to Dec. 6 in the University Art Gallery in Dexter. An opening reception and talk are set to take place on Nov. 7 from 5-7pm, with the talk commencing at 5:30 in the gallery.
Satellites, nicknamed “birds” in aerospace and ham radio circles, are critical to our lives but are essentially invisible. Heidi Neilson’s exhibition Strange Birds uses video, electronics, prints, photographs and book works to investigate our relationship with satellites. The different works expose the relationship from different angles—our history and future visions—as well as how these orbiting devices extend our sensory capacities and allow us to participate in environments which we would be unable to perceive well, or even survive at all, ourselves.
Satellite Imagery Workshop with Heidi Neilson
Friday, November 8th from 12-2pm
Dexter - Room 150
RSVP to the workshop here
Paintings by Ian Pines and Juan Manuel Pérez Salazar
An exhibition of paintings by Ian Pines and Juan Manuel Pérez Salazar in the sizeable exhibition space, Shepard Hall, at the Santa Maria Public Library.
Dates and Times: November 6th, 2024 through January 6th, 2025
Santa Maria Public Library's hours
Sunday 1:00 PM - 5:00 PM
Monday through Thursday 9:00 AM - 7:00 PM
Friday and Saturday 10:00 AM - 6:00 PM
Department News
Winter 2025 Enrollment Dates
The specific day and time of your registration appointment will be displayed in your Student Center on the date that the Class Schedule publishes for the next term. Those receiving a Special Exception appointment will see their specific day and time within three business days following the publication of the Class Schedule.
During 1st round registration: Students can register anytime between their 1st round registration appointment and November 21, 2024
During 2nd round registration: Students can register anytime between their 2nd round registration appointment and December 6, 2024
Open Enrollment for All Students (Continuing and New): December 7, 2024 - January 3, 2025
Refer to your PolyProfile on your Cal Poly Portal for your Academic Progress Gauge.
Summer 2025 Cal Poly in London Study Abroad Program
With London as one of the world’s great cultural and economic centers, the courses offered on this program use London as a laboratory to experience art, theatre, music, history, and more. This 6-week summer program is a 12-unit program and offers a wide variety of GE courses.
Professor Giancarlo Fiorenza will be teaching his ART 371 — The Art of Love in the Renaissance, focusing on works of art in London collections. This program is open to students in all majors.
Visit the Study Abroad website for more information
Job Opportunities
Check out MustangJobs for current job opportunities
We will update you with relevant job opportunities as they come along. Check back here next week for more!
Animation Club - @calpolyanimation
Design Lab - @Designlab_CalPoly
Fiber Arts Club - @Calpolyfiberarts
.RAW Journal of Art & Design - @artmag.raw
Studio Art Club - @Calpolystudioartclub
Club 34 - @club.thirtyfour
Other Opportunities
Vellum/CAED Furniture Competition and Exhibition
You're Invited!
The 21st annual Vellum/CAED Furniture Competition and Exhibition, will take place Nov. 1-2, at 868 Higuera St., San Luis Obispo, CA 93401.
This year, Vellum kicks off Friday, Nov. 1, with the Hearst Lecture Series at 3 p.m. in the Frost Center (181-103). The reception then begins in Downtown SLO from 6:30 p.m. to 10:30 p.m.
If you cannot make it on Friday, Vellum continues on Saturday, Nov. 2, from 10:30 a.m. to 5:30 p.m.
“This competition provides a forum for students to expeditiously exhibit their design passions with alacrity and with a craft facility,” says Cal Poly Architecture Professor Tom di Santo. “It is amazing to see so many brilliant examples of Learn by Doing that the students achieve in such a short period.”
The student or team of students who design the top project will receive The Space Architects’ Milano Grand Prize and get tickets to Milan, Italy, in spring for the Salone International del Mobile. It’s the world’s largest trade fair, annually showcasing the latest furniture and design from around the globe.
We'll see you there!
Art After Dark
Art After Dark is a free, self-guided art walk taking place from 5pm to 8pm on the First Friday of each month. This event celebrates local creativity with visual exhibitions, live music, and community gatherings in SLO County galleries, businesses, and organizations. We encourage residents and visitors alike to explore the uniqueness of arts and culture here in SLO County.
Visit the website for more info and map
Capitol Art in San Francisco
November 16 & 17
100% discount promo code: MUSTANG
The show aims to inspire artistically inclined people to think openly, experimentally, and creatively. Many of the artists in the show are not conventionally seen in a gallery or museum but have done quite well online despite this, which requires a certain mindset of persistence and belief in self.
Inspiration & Future
Artinawe was inspired by the creative work done by artists online to bring movement and sound to their art, and the desire to bring that experience to live audiences in an immersive way. Please help make artinawe succeed in becoming an annual event that takes place in multiple cities by spreading the word. All funds go directly to the events.
GEMS (Gender Experiences, Monologues, and Stories)
GEMS will take place April 5th and 6th 2025. The Gender Equity Center has overseen GEMS yearly since 2015 as an entirely original student-led and performed production which evolves every year. GEMS represents activism through theater and art. It seeks to represent the stories of those who have experienced life as womxn, socialization as womxn, and/or any aspects of womxnhood — in mind, body, and/or spirit, be it in past, present, future, and/or fluid — whether from womxn-identified, femme, transgender/nonbinary/gender non-conforming, and/or other marginally gendered individuals.
We are looking for PRODUCTION CREW, CAST MEMBERS and SCRIPT PIECE SUBMISSIONS for the 2025 show.
For Cal Poly students:
Join the Production Team
Production Team Member positions are open to ALL students and are unpaid volunteer positions.
Learn more about available positions and submit your application here
Submit your application for review by December 6, 2024 -
Perform as a cast member! Auditions run on:
11/15, 11am-1pm in the UU-217N
11/20, 3-5pm in the UU-217N
11/21, 11am-1pm in UU-217N
12/4, 3-5pm in UU-219 -
Fill in your audition form and reserve a time slot here
Drop-ins are welcome!
Those with no prior acting/theater experience are still encouraged to audition!!
For students AND all community members including faculty and staff:
Submit a written work to the GEMS 2025 script
Submit your piece for consideration, or email to nbwildma@calpoly.edu
Submissions may take any textual form: monologue, poem, skit, song, choreography or whatever other format you need to best express your vision!
Script submissions close on January 1st, 2025
We are open to auditions, submissions, and other involvement from people of all identities, however we are explicitly inviting LGBTQ+, BIPOC, and disabled students and community members to get involved. As a staff and production team, we recognize that gender cannot be separate from other facets of identity and experience if we truly want to work toward collective liberation, and we are committed to representing this through GEMS.
MFA in Art from the University of California, Santa Barbara
The Department of Art two-year MFA program provides graduate students with the opportunity to explore studio production, field studies, and theoretical work in a flexible structure that encourages individual development within a multi and interdisciplinary context. The department equally stresses the importance of making along with an understanding of the conditions in which art is produced. Students are exposed to methodologies of inquiry that foster innovation and the problem-solving skills necessary for artistic development and creative production.
Students are given the opportunity to work one-on-one with our accomplished faculty who are actively engaged in a range of disciplines and areas that include art and cultural theory, video, digital media, print media, photography, performative studies, painting, spatial and public arts, and related fields in the Humanities, Sciences and Engineering including film, art history, and media arts & technology. The program provides graduate students with an intensive curriculum which includes seminars in studio, critique, theory, post-graduate concerns, a range of directed media research courses, and the department’s visiting artist lecture colloquium. Student's final thesis work culminates in a written thesis document and an exhibition at the university's Art, Design & Architecture Museum.
Our unique program offers direct exposure to visiting artists and scholars as well as post-grad positions on a competitive basis that may include teaching, a studio, and access to department facilities. The department wishes to attract motivated students who will benefit from interaction with a diverse and challenging faculty and peers. The environment offers focused research in a compelling natural setting while gaining exposure to the opportunities presented in nearby Los Angeles. Admitted students receive tuition, fee remission, and additional financial support through campus and departmental fellowships, stipends, and/or teaching assistantships, with additional funding opportunities available.
First Year Go Study Abroad Program Takes Flight
Launching Spring 2025, First Year GO (Global Opportunities) is a new study abroad opportunity for first-years in the College of Liberal Arts, Orfalea College of Business, or those with interest in these fields. While exploring the rich Andalusian heritage of Seville, Spain, students will forge lasting friendships with fellow first-years while earning GE, major and/or minor credit. Apply by the Nov. 1 deadline. Scholarships of up to $18,000 are available. Learn more about First Year GO.
Campus Events
Coffee & Careers
Saturday, November 2nd from 10am-12pm
Baker Plaza next to the Einstein Statue
Students and parents are invited to join College of Liberal Arts staff and students to explore the many career paths of a Liberal Arts degree and to learn ways to maximize opportunities at Cal Poly. Come meet with the CLA Dean and Associate Dean and learn how the College of Liberal Arts is leading the way for interdisciplinary opportunities on campus. Hear from Career Counselors, Academic Advisors, and Student Ambassadors about the vast array of career paths for students earning a Liberal Arts degree from Cal Poly and get tips on how students can take full advantage of the flexibility of the College of Liberal Arts majors. During the breakout session, explore where a College of Liberal Arts major can take you, meet with advisors and counselors individually, and view department displays. Coffee and light refreshments will be served.
Therapy Dogs
PULSE is working with the Alliance of Therapy Dogs and SLO Dog volunteers to bring you Therapy Dogs on the Health Center Lawn the following Wednesdays and Thursdays from 12 p.m. to 2 p.m.
Wednesday, November 6th from 12 pm - 2 pm
Thursday, November 21st from 12 pm - 2 pm
Wednesday, December 4th from 12 pm - 2 pm
More Quick Links
Faculty & Staff at Art & Design
ART Minors - Art History, Studio Art, Photo+Video, MAST and CIA Minors
Campus Map of All Gender Restrooms! - More on the campus Inclusive Restroom Program
Want your event or activity included in our Weekly Announcements?
Announcements are sent to members of the Art and Design Department each week while classes are in session. To submit an event or news item, please email information to Paula Rygg (pyrgg@calpoly.edu), by Friday at 8:00 am. Include title, date and time, participation information (Zoom link, registration, ticketing, fee, etc.), and a brief description. Small – email sized images may be included. Weekly announcements are approved by the chair before they are distributed.