
Recent News

Design students win awards, including Ad Designer of the Year!

Jul 12, 2012

Brad Matsushita (class of ‘12) was named Ad Designer of the Year at the at the College Newspaper Business and Advertising Manager’s (CNBAM) convention in Miami, Fla.  Brad also won: Best Online Display Advertisement, and Best Sales Promotion Materials

Emily Hsiao (class of '12) was selected to recieve the 3rd Place award for: Best Black & White Advertisement

Laura Howell (class of '11) was selected to recieve the 3rd Place award for: Best Display Advertisement for Associated Collegiate Press Pacemaker.

Mustang Daily, Cal Poly’s student-run newspaper, recently won its fourth consecutive College Newspaper of the Year award.

Art & Design Students Win Cal Poly Arts Awards

Jun 14, 2012

Rachel LaBonte (class of '12) won the Cal Poly Arts Achievement in Art Award.

Cathy Kossack (class of '12) won the Cal Poly Service to the Arts award.


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