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"Short Cuts" Premieres at San Luis Obispo International Film Festival

Apr 18, 2023

Shortcuts: Short Films by Cal Poly Students at SLO International Film Festival

The Art & Design Department is excited to announce that "Short Cuts" will be  screened on Thursday, April 27th at the Freemont Theater as part of the San Luis Obispo International Film Festival.
More information about the films can be found at their website, SLO Short Cuts 2023.

Fenn Bruns, (Photo/Video '24), Wins SPE Prize

Apr 6, 2023

Tomboys Are Good Kissers, Fenn Bruns, 2022

Photo Video Major wins "New Wave" Traveling Exhibition Juror Prize

Fenn Bruns, 3rd year Photo/Video concentration student, was chosen as one of the top three photographers by juror Nelson Chan in the exhibition "New Wave". "New Wave" features photographs by 28 students and recent grads from SPE's West and Southwest chapters.

Sponsored by the Society for Photographic Education (SPE), this juried traveling exhibition will be presented at three venues - Patton Malott Gallery at Anderson Ranch Arts Center, Colorado; Solano Community College, California; and New Mexico State University. 

The prize for each of the top three photographers was a check of $100 and a 15-minute portfolio review with the juror, Nelson Chan. Bruns' winning image,"Tomboys Are Good Kissers", was made as part of a series in ART325 Advanced Camera and Lighting. (image above)

"Short Cuts," Short Films by Cal Poly Students at the University Art Gallery

Mar 17, 2023

Short Cuts

Cal Poly University Art Gallery to exhibit Cal Poly Student Films

March 21 - 24

Gallery Reception - March. 20, 5 - 6pm

Alumna Kristen Sanzari brings your favorite animated characters to life designing toys for Mattel.

Feb 10, 2023

Art and Design alumna Kristen Sanzari with toys she designed for MattellAs a graphic design student at Cal Poly, Kristen Sanzari (BFA in Art and Design, Graphic Design Concentration ’11) dreamed of working in animation for a company like Disney or Pixar, bringing characters and stories to life.

Now, more than 10 years later, she’s doing just that — through her work as a toy designer at Mattel.

Sanzari, who also earned a master’s degree in visual development for animation from the Academy of Art University in San Francisco, was working as a graphic designer and illustrator when she saw a job listing at Mattel.

Read the full article in Cal Poly Magazine.

"Somewhere Else," a solo exhibit of Chen Tianqiutao at the University Art Gallery

Jan 22, 2023

Somewhere Else

Cal Poly University Art Gallery to exhibit Chen Tianqiutao

Feb. 2 - Mar. 10

ARTIST TALK - Feb. 2,  5 - 6 pm - Dexter 34 -148

Gallery Reception - Feb. 2, 6 - 7pm

Studio Art Club Presents: A Virtual Artist Talk with Ricardo Harris Fuentes

Jan 18, 2023

Cal Poly Studio Art Club begins Winter Quarter hosting a virtual talk featuring Ricardo Harris-Fuentes of the Los Angeles Art Collective, Tiger Strikes Asteroid.

In addition to discussing Harris-Fuentes’s own art practice, we will discuss galleries and alternatives to traditional galleries such as art collectives.

This event will be held VIRTUALLY on Friday, January 20th from 2pm - 3pm.

"BFA Redux" Closes out Fall 2022 Quarter at University Art Gallery

Dec 6, 2022


Cal Poly’s University Art Gallery presented “BFA Redux,featuring 14 artists from the Art & Design graduating classes of 2020 and 2021, and closes out the Fall 2022 Quarter on December 8th.

.RAW Journal of Art and Design - Fall 2022 Quarterly Magazine

Dec 6, 2022

Cover of .RAW magazine with a landscape photo

.RAW Journal of Art & Design has published its Fall 2022 Quarterly Magazine.

Established in 2017, .RAW Journal of Art & Design is an entirely student-run quarterly digital and print magazine published by the Art & Design Department students at Cal Poly San Luis Obispo showcasing current student work in photography, video, graphic design and studio art.

International Premiere - A Thousand Sighs by Professor Lana Z Caplan

Oct 14, 2022

Pregnant belly in a rainbow field with a triangle overlay

Lana Z Caplan at 25th Antimatter [media art] Festival
Victoria, British Columbia and streaming online
October 27-28, 2022

Associate Professor Lana Z Caplan’s newest short film will premiere internationally as an Official Selection in the 25th Antimatter Festival in Victoria British Columbia, October 20 to 30, 2022. A Thousand Sighs (2022) searches for signs of life in sound wave signals and atmospheric undulations through the long nights of pregnancy during a pandemic.

Dedicated to the exhibition and nurturing of diverse forms of media art, Antimatter is one of the one of the most important media arts events showcasing experimentation in film, video, audio and emerging time-based forms in Canada, and the world. ( Antimatter 2022 is a hybrid IRL/online event with nightly in-person screenings or performances followed by online access to each program for 24 hours the next day, making viewing these programs possible around the world. A Thousand Sighs is screening in person on Thurs, Oct 27 @ 8pm and available for streaming starting Friday, Oct 28.


Caplan’s other films continue to travel to festivals around the world.  Autopoiesis (2019) is included Istanbul International Experimental Film Festival in November 2022. Errata (2017) will be screening in Belgium on October 22 in OORTREDERS Bi-Annual Festival for Art with Sound.

image details: video still, A Thousand Sighs, Lana Z Caplan 2022


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