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Tiger Strikes Asteroid presents "Mixtape"

Sep 22, 2022

Cal Poly University Art Gallery to Exhibit Tiger Strikes Asteroid L.A.

Show opens Oct. 6.  Gallery reception set for Oct. 20  from 5-7pm in the Gallery with an artist talk at 6pm

SAN LUIS OBISPO – Cal Poly’s University Art Gallery presents “Mixed Tape,” featuring 11 artists from the L.A. chapter of Tiger Strikes Asteroid, set to run Oct. 6 – Oct. 28

About the Show

Mixtape is a group exhibition composed of members from the Los Angeles chapter of Tiger Strikes Asteroid, an artist-run collective of five spaces in New York, Los Angeles, Chicago, Philadelphia, and Greenville, South Carolina. Like a teenage mixtape that fills the warm air on a fall night, where each song title is a small clue to a larger story or a fantasy with happier endings, Mixtape the exhibition brings together the work of 11 artists who routinely collaborate on curatorial projects that span the globe. With any great mixtape, no one artist dominates the track list, but the vibe is pure joy. For the exhibition, each artist has selected a song to accompany their artwork, all of which are available as a Spotify playlist using the QR codes in the gallery. 

Featured Artists Include:

Carl Baratta, Vanessa Chow, Ricardo Harris-Fuentes, Ichiro Irie, Brittany Mojo, Liz Nurenberg, Alisa Ochoa, Alex Paik, Kari Reardon, Jackie Rines, Katya Usvitsky

Sara Frantz "I May Bury Things in Sand and Snow" at Pamela Walsh Gallery

Sep 15, 2022

Sara Frantz Painting

Sara Frantz
I May Bury Things in Sand and Snow
September 10 - October 8, 2022

Pamela Walsh Gallery
540 Ramona Street
Palo Alto, CA

"I May Bury Things in Sand and Snow" is the debut exhibition of Sara Frantz’s work in the Pamela Walsh Gallery and a dynamic expression of her visual language. Emerging from the long days of the pandemic shelter-in-place, Sara’s latest paintings depict a “new American landscape.” They are a complex interplay between the traditional ode to nature and a contemporary narrative of pop culture, politics and the presence of technology in our everyday lives. “My paintings are a wink that hint at undercurrents of dialogue just below the surface. They are built upon transitory surfaces of sand and snow; things are buried underneath that cannot be seen,” she says. Her compositions of academically painted trees, skies and sea are sprinkled with clues that inform us of deeper meanings. The topography is loaded with messages about the way our lives have shifted with the inundation of technology, digital images and social media. “The work considers how technology simultaneously extends and amputates people’s senses.” Sara’s artistic practice goes back-and-forth between analog and digital applications, overlaying images in photoshop before digitizing painterly surfaces with her brush. “It is normal now to see digital images of nature. The American landscape is littered with evidence of pop culture and political commentary. My work is an amalgamation of all of these forces which have become part of our collective fabric.”

Sara Frantz Painting

The Waiting Place, 2021, oil on canvas, 72 x 60 inches
Park for Catching Dreams, 2022, Gouache on canvas, 36 in x 36 in

Alumni Chris Iseri Solo Show at Moskowitz Bayse in LA

Sep 10, 2022

paintings in a gallery

Alumni Chris Iseri solo show, Signs of Life, is an exhibition of a new paintings at Moskowitz Bayse in LA. Signs of Life is the artist’s third solo presentation at the gallery and will be on view from September 10, 2022 - October 22, 2022.

Professor Laura Krifka at The Armory Show

Sep 1, 2022

young man seated with a book with abstract background

Luis De Jesus Los Angeles will participate in The Armory Show, Galleries: Booth 423, at the Javits Center in New York from September 9-11, 2022. The gallery will present new works by June Edmonds, Evita Tezeno, Vian Sora, Laura Krifka, and Nicolas Grenier.   image details: Fair Game, oil on canvas, 5x4 ft, Laura Krifka, 2022

Congratulations Graphic Design Class of 2022!

Jul 7, 2022

Cal Poly graphic design senior showcase website

The Senior Showcase Website

The Graphic Design Senior Showcase website features the work of 27 graduating seniors, who faced the unimaginable challenge of having their college experience interrupted by a global pandemic.

Announcing the 2022 Art and Design Student Scholarship Recipients

May 31, 2022

We are pleased to announce the well deserved 2020 Student Scholarship winners!

Congratulations to all!


American Foundation for Arts Education Scholarship in Honor of Carol Channing & Harry Kullifian
Maggie Paren

The Kurt O. Brown Scholarship
Jacqueline Espitia

Kodak Professional Photography Scholarship
Carlos Zarate

John Mendenhall Memorial Scholarship
Elise Coatney

Burt & Virginia Polin Visual Arts Scholarship
Siena Kuhn & Ellery Lewark

Denise Waters Art Award
Wyatt Foster, Emma Van Zuthem & Cameron Jamison

R.W. Andrews
Audrey Siu & Sarai Devi Dasi

William B. Turner  
Emma Fisher & Julia Neils

J.W. Van Dyke   

Greg Chan

Laura Krifka's Solo Show "Still Point" Opens at Luis De Jesus Gallery in Los Angeles

Apr 18, 2022

painting of a baby by a windowLuis De Jesus Los Angeles is very pleased to announce LAURA KRIFKA: Still Point. The exhibition will be on view from April 16 through May 28, 2022. An opening reception will be held on Saturday, April 16th, from 5:00 pm to 8:30 pm.

Laura Krifka carefully constructs intimate narratives that deftly employ the power of the gaze. This new series of paintings delves into psychological realms of the self, navigating the relationship between shifting identities. Krifka holds multiple moments in each painting, both acknowledging and mourning the loss of a former identity, while at the same time relishing the radicalization of change.

image: Dawn, Oil on Canvas, 5 X 4 ft, 2021-22

The 2022 Juried Student Exhibition

Apr 18, 2022


The 2022 Juried Student Show

The exhibit opens at 5:00p.m. April 21 in the University Art Gallery in Dexter (Bldg. #34) on campus. Awards will follow at 5:30p.m. Gallery will be open until 7pm.

Juried by artist Toni Scott, runs April 21 to May 13.

About the Show

The 2022 Juried Student Show represents an impressive grouping of artwork from many different mediums, all carefully selected from a larger pool of submissions.  All work in the show was made in Cal Poly Art and Design classes.

About the Juror

This year’s juror was Toni Scott, whose exhibitions and installations weave together artistically powerful stories presented through installations, multi-media, photography, painting, sculpture and digital ingenuity, often referencing fraught histories.  She holds an MFA from the University of California at Santa Barbara, 2018. She is a Citizen of the Muscogee Creek Nation, and part of a global traveling exhibition of Muscogee Creek Artists.

View her full bio and work here:

The University Art Gallery is free and open to the public from 11 a.m. to 4 p.m. Tuesday through Saturday.

.RAW Journal of Art & Design Annual Issue 2022

Apr 1, 2022

RAW Annual 2022 Cover

We are happy to share the latest Annual Issue of .RAW Journal of Art & Design!

The 2022 Annual Issue is comprised of selections of work from the previous five quarterly issues - Fall 2020 - Winter 2022 (no Annual was printed in 2021 due to the pandemic). Since its founding, as a class project in Professor Lana Z Caplan’s Editorial Photography class, fourteen quarterly issues have been entirely student published. This is our third Annual printed publication, comprised of 64 pages with contributions from 42 artists and designers. Printed copied can be picked up in the Photo/Video Lab (34-222) or the Art and Design Department office.  The issue can be accessed digitally on Cal Poly's Digital Commons.

.RAW Journal of Art & Design 2022 Annual Issue designers Arthur Waidhofer & Josie Doan on left and Editor-in-Chief Lela Brody on right at the 2022 Annual Issue Launch Party at Linnea's Cafe.

.RAW 2022 Annual Launch Party photos

Packaging Design Students Win Top Awards

Mar 25, 2022

Image of Project Sweet Pea
Students in ART 437 Win Packaging Awards

Students in ART 437 won a number of awards from the Paperboard Packaging Alliance's 2021 Student Design Challenge and World Packaging Organisation's International Packaging Design Student Competition 2021.


Paperboard Packaging Alliance's 2021 Student Design Challenge Winners

  • Second Place & The People's Choice (Top 3): Shahla Prouty (ART, CLA), Adi Saaf (ART, CLA), Runar Schmidt (ART, CLA)
  • Honorable mention (Top 5): Cayley Nickerson (ART, CLA), Allison Munden (ART, CLA), Ian Myers (ART, CLA)
  • Shout-Out (Top 9): Joey Marshall (ART, CLA), Mady McNeill (ART, CLA), Natalie Mitchell (ART, CLA)


World Packaging Organisation's International Packaging Design Student Competition 2021 Winners

Project Sweet Pea in ART 437 Received World Packaging Organisation's WorldStar Bronze Star and Marketing Appeal Awards.

Congratulations to the team: Shahla Prouty, Adi Saaf and Runar Schmidt, as well as their teammates Avery Johnson, Maia Nelson, and Stephanie Tang.


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