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Continued Growth in Art and Design

Giancarlo Fiorenza, Chair of the Art and Design Department

In 2015 the Art and Design Department boasted one of its largest graduating classes, with 56 students earning their BFA degree. Enrollment continues to grow, and this year the department is excited to welcome a combined class of 75 first-time freshmen and new transfer students divided among each of its concentrations. In addition, beginning this academic year, the Photography concentration officially changes its name — and curricular scope — to Photography and Video. Given the recent retirements in that area, the department has opened a tenure-track search for an assistant professor in photography, with the successful candidate anticipated to join the faculty in Fall 2016.

Two new minors offer Cal Poly students the opportunity to enhance their studies with courses in Art and Design: Computing for the Interactive Arts (CIA); and Media Arts, Society and Technology (MAST). CIA is a cross-disciplinary minor between the departments of Art and Design and Computer Science. The curriculum focuses on a collaborative environment in which Art and Design students integrate coding and algorithmic thinking in creative works while Computer Science students apply the principles and methodology of design thinking to visual applications. The MAST program explores a variety of contemporary issues: how meaning is produced in film and interactive media; how film and interactive media shape stories about the meanings of scientific, technical and social progress; and how one can tell stories about today’s global challenges. The department looks forward to working with a variety of disciplines across campus to enhance student learning.

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