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News Brief - Fall 2015

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New faculty and changes in Art & Design

Continued Growth in Art and Design

As we begin the 2015-16 academic year, the Art & Design Department would like to introduce some new changes.

Read Continued Growth in Art and Design

Galveston Artist Residency

Faculty, Student, and Alumni News 

We would like to congratulate and acknowledge our faculty, students, and alumni for the great things they do in and out of the department.

Read Faculty, Student, and Alumni News 

New directions for art gallery

University Art Gallery:  New Directions

The department would like to welcome Garet Zook and the new Gallery Specialist in the University Art Gallery. Once a part-time teacher, Garet will now be managing the gallery full-time while teaching periodically. 

Read University Art Gallery:  New Directions

Dexter Building

Other News In Brief: Facilities

There is a new work space for our graphic design concentration students for access to computers, printers/scanners, and collaborative tables!

Read Other News in Brief: Facilities

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